Mainpage About the city History of the city
History of the city
The beginning of city construction
The master design of Innopolis was created by Liu Tai Ker, a planner who had designed the city of Singapore. A capsule with a message to future residents was placed during construction
The Innopolis University opened its doors
First students started to attend lectures at the Innopolis University. At that time, the uni was located in Kazan
‘The city of Innopolis’
Innopolis was granted a status of the city. It is the youngest settlement in Russia's modern history
Inopolis’ Birthday
The official opening of Innopolis. Dmitry Medvedev, Rustam Minnikhanov and Nikolai Nikiforov had pressed the symbolic button to mark the birth of a new city
The opening of Innoliceym
The Lyceum is attended by young people from 7 to 11 grades. The Lyceum curriculum is designed to provide an advanced study in physics, mathematics and computer programming
Urban services development
Innopolis mayor's office has a digital assistant based on artificial intelligence — bot ‘Inna’. Bot Inna covers frequently asked questions, the weather and bus schedules
Self-driving taxi
Starting a test zone for unmanned vehicles. Launch of Europe's first self-driving taxi
Future never dwells on sleep
Scientists at Innopolis University have learned to predict epilepsy seizures seven seconds ahead of their onset.

The first IT Nights conference for IT professionals took place in the city
New points of attraction
The launch of food service by Yandex's delivery robot. Opening of the urban space ‘Artspace’ and Lobachevsky Technopark.
New stage of development
The construction of two new technology parks, the U-1 housing estate and a robot hotel has started.

This year also saw the opening of the first cinema in Innopolis as well as the City Day music festival attended by thousands of people
The work continues
Innopolis University celebrated its 10th anniversary. SEZ "Innopolis" for the third year in a row, it became the most efficient economic zone of the technical and innovation type in Russia

Construction is ongoing on two new technology parks, a hotel, the campus of Innopolis University, and the largest data centre in the Volga region of State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (ROSATOM).

The new residential complexes ‘Kvartal Yu’ and ‘Zion-2’ are now open for sale
The route is built
In Innopolis, for the first time, a Yandex robot taxi passed without a person in the cabin.

The Innopolis University campus has been expanded with three buildings, now up to 2,000 students can live there.

The city has become one of the most popular tourist routes in the Republic. For the guests, we have completely restarted the city navigation.
A year of big launches
The Atomdata-Innopolis Data Processing Center and the technopark in the field of high technologies Innopark have started working in Innopolis, and Kvartal Yu is preparing to receive the first residents.

We are also waiting for the launch of two new technology parks and a robotic hotel
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